Case StudiesWebsite Optimization – What is it and why do I need it for my brand?

Website Optimization – What is it and why do I need it for my brand?

Are you an online business owner wondering why your sales have reduced or why aren’t your sales surging as rapidly as you had hoped? Well, it may be because of the sluggish loading speeds of your website and the lack of patience in the buyers today. The websites, especially in today’s day and age, need to be optimized and enhanced. They need to be designed in a way that anyone can access and use in mere seconds.

What is website optimization?

You may wonder what is website optimization and why is it so necessary for my business? Simply put, website optimization is designing your website in such a manner that will lead to more traffic and engagement on your website, helping you get more potential customers.  There are many ways in which the website can be optimized. From using content that is more SEO-driven to engaging web development, all are aspects that help in the growth of the website and ensure the same is run ideally on all avenues. Be it phones, computers or tablets.

Should I consider it?

If you are wondering whether all of this is a hoax or enhancing your website does help, we have the perfect example for you!

One of the most popular video streaming services, Netflix, has millions of users worldwide, yet it continues to run smoothly on mobile phones and on unstable internet connections. Netflix’s development team refined the JavaScript used for the company’s sign-up process and mastered the techniques, thereby providing a better and overall smooth experience. The development team, among other things, reduced the JavaScript bundle size by 200kb, which led to a 50% fall in their loading time, putting the viewer at ease.

On the contrary, websites that did not use tools and mechanisms provided, to improve their websites were reviewed badly and repelled the customers away. This happens because customers cannot wait long, not even a couple more seconds, to get to a website. When they have the convenience of accessing the world at their fingertips, they certainly would want to make the most out of it. Therefore, it is unlikely for them to be patient with your website, should it work slow.

When a website is user-friendly, the visitor is most likely to stay for long. The longer someone browses through your website, the more likely they are to make purchases. This means an increase in sales and your overall revenue. Not only this, but your brand visibility and its awareness amongst your targeted market are also likely to increase. People will talk more about their comfortability in using your website and hence, better reputation too.

With that being said, optimization through whichever mode you choose is always a good idea for your brand. It will not only help bring in more customers but also help you retain them. Increasing brand loyalty, especially at the start of your business, is a short-term and a long-term benefit.

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